Lorena Villalon

Location Address
GLOW ClinicSuite 1, Stephenson House
8-14 Gibb St
Berwick 3806
T: 03 9769 5606
Lorena Villalon
Psychologist (Clinical Registrar)
BA (Psych & PsychoPhys), PGradDip (Psych), MPsych (Clinical)
Lorena is a registered Psychologist, and with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency who holds a Master of Clinical Psychology degree. Lorena is a part of the registrar program for Clinical Psychology endorsement. She is also a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the respective APS Clinical Psychologist group.
Lorena has experience in private practice, community mental health and primary school settings developing her skills and knowledge. She is adept at working with individuals, families and groups from diverse cultural backgrounds, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. She has worked with a variety of women in the perinatal phase of life, addressing a broad range of mental health concerns.
Lorena adopts an evidence-based approach when addressing symptoms, utilising therapeutic interventions such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, mindfulness techniques. Her knowledge in psychology, psychophysiology and neuroscience helps her understand how the brain and body connect which allows her to apply a unique approach to her practice.
Lorena aims to ensure therapy is tailored to each individual’s concerns, background, and history to help clients utilise their values and strengths to manage their distress and achieve positive outcomes. She is passionate about women’s health and encouraging women to feel empowered to achieve their therapeutic goals. Lorena is interested in working collaboratively with parents to create secure parent-child relationships and support families with a nourishing environment.
Lorena looks forward to improving the outcomes for women and their infants during such an important time in their lives every day she comes to work.
Areas of Special Interest
- Preconception, including fertility issues
- Pregnancy
- Perinatal loss
- Antenatal depression and anxiety
- Birth trauma
- Premature Birth
- Postnatal depression and anxiety
- Parent-infant attachment
- Adjustment issues
- Eating disorders
- Fathers
Professional Memberships
- Member Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)
- Member APS College of Clinical Psychologists (CCLP)
Fees & Rebates
Cost: $271.00 per 50-minute session *Medicare Rebate: $141.85
Out-of-pocket: $129.15 per session
*Medicare rebates are available to those who have a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from their GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician. This must be in place prior to the first claimable session.
Available Thursdays
Bookings through GLOW Clinic
Telephone: 03 9769 5606