Juhi Sanghavi

Location Address
Masters Psychology1/30 Dellamarta Rd,
Wangara, PERTH WA
(08) 9409 6709
Juhi Sanghavi
Perinatal Psychologist
BSc (Hons), MPsych (Clin Neuro)
My name is Juhi, and I am a Clinical Neuropsychologist. I am interested in supporting clients in their parenthood journey from the time they start family planning all the way to the first few years of being a parent. This period is filled with shift in identify, uncertainty and challenges and I believe that individually tailored support during this time can make a significant difference in the lives of mums, dad, non-birthing partners, babies and in more widely in the family unit as a whole.
Some of the areas I can support you with include but are not limited to:
- Understanding and managing your anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy and following the birth of your baby
- Navigating the changes that come with being a mother/father -i.e., understanding and navigating matrescence
- Increasing your confidence to parent your baby
- Strengthening your developing bond with your baby
- Help you in navigating the change in your relationship with your partner after having a child
- Working through grief and perinatal loss, including miscarriage, still birth and neonatal death
- Supporting you following a traumatic or difficult birth
- Exploring any past childhood traumas that have now re-surfaced now that you are a parent yourself
I want this space to feel like a safe place where you can come as you are and allow me to meet you there in your journey. We will do this initially by having you tell me your unique story and the challenges you are currently experiencing. Together we will slowly begin to unpack this and make sense of this so that we can work on creating meaningful change in your life. I enjoy meeting your little one and encourage you to bring your baby to the sessions as they are an important part of journey and often a key to understanding the full picture. My work incorporates the principles from the intensive Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Training but also from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Mentalizing, Attachment Theory and Schema Therapy.
Areas of Special Interest
- Preconception, including fertility issues
- Pregnancy
- Perinatal loss
- Antenatal depression and anxiety
- Birth trauma
- Premature Birth
- Postnatal depression and anxiety
- Parent-infant attachment
- Adjustment issues
- Infants
- Toddlers
- Parenting
- Fathers
- Couple relationship
Professional Memberships
- Member Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPI)
- Member World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH)
Fees & Rebates
Cost: $270 per 50-minute session *Medicare Rebate: $93.35
Out-of-pocket: $176.65 per session
*Medicare rebates are available to those who have a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from their GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician. This must be in place prior to the first claimable session.
Available: Tuesday and Thursday (Wangara location); Fridays (Morley location)
Contact: 08 9409 6709 or use the Contact button below to make an online enquiry