Sabrina Yang

Sabrina Yang Psychologist (Educational and Developmental) Psy (Honours). M. Psy (Edu & Dev). GradCert (Bereavement Counselling & Intervention). Sabrina Yang is a Brisbane based Educational and Developmental Psychologist who has worked with infants, children, adolescents, and their parents in both the public and private sector for more than 10 years. Sabrina enjoys working within an […]

Eunice Malone

  Eunice Malone Clinical Psychologist BAppSc(Psych)(Hons), BN, MPsych(Clin), MAPS, CCLIN Eunice is a warm and compassionate psychologist with a special interest in perinatal and infant psychology. Eunice recognises that the period from preconception through to early parenthood can be both a joy and a challenge, and aims to support clients throughout this journey. Eunice has […]

Dr Shanna Logan

Dr Shanna Logan Clinical Psychologist BA/ B.Sci (Psych) Hons 1, D. Clin Psych/ PhD Shanna is a clinical psychologist dedicated to perinatal mental health; from fertility and conception, through to postpartum and early parenting. She takes a warm and engaging approach to assist families to navigate the difficulties that can arise throughout the fertility and […]

Romy Briner

Romy Briner Clinical Psychologist B.A.(Hons.), MPsych (Clinical), MAPS Romy Briner is a registered Clinical and Perinatal Psychologist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. She is passionate about supporting parents and infants during the perinatal period, and understands the importance of people being able to receive non-judgmental and compassionate care during this tender time. Romy provides individual psychotherapy. Some of […]

Thanh Lee

Thanh Lee Perinatal Psychologist BSScPsych BAppScPsych (Hons) GradDipProfPsych MAPS Thanh’s warm, genuine, and compassionate approach to therapy allows her clients to feel safe and comfortable in the therapeutic environment. Thanh is passionate about supporting individuals, couples and families during the perinatal period, which encompasses from pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum. It was through her role as […]

Amiee Pember

Amiee is unable to accept new referrals at this time – please make contact with another of our psychologists to make an appointment Amiee Pember Perinatal Psychologist BA(Psych.)Hons, MPsych Amiee is a Perinatal Psychologist with Community Psychology endorsement, living and working in the beautiful seaside town of Busselton, WA.  Amiee’s  interest in perinatal and infant mental health […]