Dr Levita D’Souza
Dr Levita D’Souza Perinatal Psychologist PG Dip Psych, DPsych (Counselling Psych) Levita is a Counselling Psychologist in private practice, researcher, lecturer and mother – these roles are all connected by a deep interest and commitment to emotional wellness for parents and their babies. Levita was born in India and moved to Australia to complete her doctoral […]
Amanda Connell
Amanda Connell Clinical Psychologist BPsych; BSci Hon (Psych), MPsych (Clinical) CertIV Breastfeeding Education (Counselling) Amanda is a Clinical Psychologist and board-approved supervisor with a passion for compassion! Amanda is an experienced perinatal clinician who enjoys supporting parents from pregnancy through the postnatal period and the challenges of early parenting. Amanda recognises there is a vulnerability that […]
Georgina Farrell
Georgina Farrell Psychologist BA (Psych); PG Dip Psychology; PG Dip Psychological Practice Georgina is a warm and approachable psychologist with many years of experience providing therapy to a variety of clients. More recently, her area of focus has been in the area of perinatal and infant mental health. Georgina works with mothers, fathers and their […]
Kirsten Finn
Kirsten Finn Clinical Psychologist BA (Hons), DPsych (Clin). Kirsten is a clinical psychologist who has established a private practice to focus on supporting mothers. Kirsten enjoys assisting families to overcome any difficulties experienced in their parenting journey. Kirsten is available to see women during their pregnancy, birth and throughout their parenting experience. Kirsten will sit with […]
Ella Duckworth
Ella Duckworth Clinical Psychologist B.A, B.Sc (Hons), MPsych (Clin), MAPS Ella specialises in mother and infant wellbeing, facilitating joyful and confident parenting during the perinatal period. Through her business, MINDING MUM, she offers a Telehealth service that is dedicated to providing support for parents. Welcoming a baby into the world is an extremely exciting […]
Dr Anthony Mackie
Dr Anthony Mackie Clinical Psychologist B.Ec., B.A.(Hons.), G.Dip. Organisational Change, DPsych (Clinical) Anthony is a registered Clinical Psychologist, with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Swinburne University. Anthony has a strong interest in working with men and supporting them as they adjust to life’s challenges. He has a particular interest in the science of attachment and […]