The Conscious Mother Weekend Retreats
by Kirstin Bouse Have you always wanted to be a ‘good’ mother? Or even a ‘great’ mother? Do you long to face each day with confidence that you will, more often than not, embody the qualities that YOU believe are important as a mother. Do you want to create a loving and nurturing relationship with […]
World Maternal Mental Health Day
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh Maternal Mental Health Matters – that’s the key message for World Maternal Mental Health Day – a dedicated day to raising awareness of maternal mental health issues. World Maternal Mental Health Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday of May – 03 May 2017. We all need to know the […]
Big Pram Walk
by Dr Bronwyn Leigh The Big Pram Walk Sunday 20th November Elizabeth Quay, Perth The Big Pram Walk is about Mums supporting Mums and creating a community of care and support for parents struggling to cope with the challenges of early parenthood. The walk is timed to coincide with Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week, and […]
Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week
by Kirstin Bouse 13th – 19th November 2016 ‘You can’t get help if you don’t know something’s wrong. Know the signs and get help early.’ Up to 1 in 10 women and 1 in 20 men experience depression during the period of pregnancy. One in 7 mums and up to 1 in 10 dads experience […]
The Newborn Parent
Illustration taken from the self-help book Towards Parenthood: Preparing for the Changes and Challenges of a New Baby (2009): ACER Press. by Dr Bronwyn Leigh Becoming a parent for the first time means we enter a phase of life we have never been in before – all new and relatively unknown. New territory means lots […]
Maternal Sensitivity and Preoccupation: Why we need to protect the mother-infant relationship
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh When all is going well enough, a few things naturally happen towards the end of your pregnancy. One is that you become more preoccupied with yourself, your body and your baby. It is during this time that your sensitivity becomes heightened. Women tend to become more insular and begin to withdraw […]