By Dr Bronwyn Leigh “The good-enough mother is one who makes active adaptation to the infant’s needs, an active adaptation that gradually lessens, according to the infant’s growing ability to account for failure of adaptation and to tolerate the results of frustration.” – D. W. Winnicott, paediatrician and parent-infant therapist ‘Good enough’ parenting encompasses being […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh New and expectant Dads are increasingly getting our attention – and with good reason. Traditionally, mental health concerns have focused on new and expectant mothers, but it has become clearer in more recent years that the perinatal period is a time of psychological vulnerability for fathers too. Recent Australian research surveying […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh Becoming a parent doesn’t happen just because you have conceived or given birth. It takes time to truly ‘become’ a mother or father. There are many emotional tasks involved in moving towards parenthood that are required in adapting to the role of parent. One task is the ability to face up […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh A perinatal psychologist works with families during the perinatal period – before and after birth. At the Centre for Perinatal Psychology, we see people for: Planning Pregnancy Postpartum Parenting The reasons for seeking help during these times are broad, but include feeling anxious, depressed, having difficulty conceiving, losing a baby, having […]