Illustration taken from the self-help book Towards Parenthood: Preparing for the Changes and Challenges of a New Baby (2009): ACER Press. by Dr Bronwyn Leigh Becoming a parent for the first time means we enter a phase of life we have never been in before – all new and relatively unknown. New territory means lots […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh Let’s face it, when adding a new member into the family, the couple relationship takes a hit. No matter how strong or close your relationship may be as a couple, when you have a baby, things change. Some of those changes are small or short-lived, and we can roll with it. […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh Moving towards parenthood for the first time is filled with mixed feelings and experiences. There are so many unknowns: some exciting and some anxiety-provoking. There is a huge focus on the physical changes in pregnancy and a preoccupation with labour and birth. But once baby is out – then what? Few […]
By Dr Bronwyn Leigh A perinatal psychologist works with families during the perinatal period – before and after birth. At the Centre for Perinatal Psychology, we see people for: Planning Pregnancy Postpartum Parenting The reasons for seeking help during these times are broad, but include feeling anxious, depressed, having difficulty conceiving, losing a baby, having […]